Under The Bathroom Sink
While we were in the bathroom renovation process, I decided that we needed to start fresh and have an organized bathroom. Our bathroom cabinet was never bad, but under the sink was a mess! We always just threw everything in there and attempted to organize but it was one of those things that I just never got around to doing until now. I used containers and boxes from around the house so that this project would not cost me a dime! Although, if you are looking to do this type of project and do not have random containers lying around, the dollar store should have similar items!
I began by pulling everything out of the cabinet, which ended up in a laundry basket or on the floor! I cleaned out the cabinet then sorted through the giant mess I created. I put things in 3 piles: keep, throw, and donate. I threw away all that needed to be discarded and put all the donation stuff in another room so that I could know exactly what I had to work with.
In the back I used a few containers to hold extra soaps, shampoos, conditioners, etc. Although you can't see it well, in front of one of the sets of extras is Dixie cups lined up in bags next to travel side bottles along with some peroxide. The bathroom garbage bags are in the front for easy access, as well as the mini drawer which has some first aid supplies and well as cotton swabs and cotton balls.
I'm very happy with how it turned out! I love being able to keep things organized. If you've done your bathroom sink organization, I'd love to see it!
Thanks for reading!
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