A Relaxing New Bathroom!
This summer, we decided to renovate our bathroom! Also - just as a side note my before pictures were taken right before we painted which is why the walls are bare and have some white paint on them! We had the beach theme in mind when we first did our bathroom and the wonderful color scheme we had in mind did not go as planned...but the second time we nailed it! We also stuck to a tight budget during this project and I must say, I'm pretty happy we did because a few times we had to get creative and it turned out beautifully (at least in my opinion). We repainted our shelves as well as using some vases and other things we had lying around! So here are my photos...let me know what you think! I'd love to see your photos of your DIY rooms!
My two semi-okay before and after shots!
So here are some of the walls and the details. We painted one wall a darker blue, just in case people noticed that and thought the lighting was weird...it isn't! I also wanted to add in some close ups of the shelving and such, so that will be below as well as the beautiful Kate Spade shower curtain! I adore this shower curtain!
Thanks for reading! :)